06:43, 16.03.2015

Полина Гагарина представила клип на песню для «Евровидения»

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Полина Гагарина представила клип на песню, с которой будет пробовать покорять «Евровидение». В Вене звезда исполнит песню A Million Voices («Миллион голосов»). Предлагаем оценить ролик, а также текст песни.

A Million Voices

We are the worlds people

Different yet we're the same

We believe

We believe in a dream

Praying for peace and healing

I hope we can start again

We believe

We believe in a dream

So if you ever feel love is fading

Together like the stars in the sky

We can sing

We can shine


When you hear our voices call

You won't be lonely anymore

A million voices

Your heart is like a beating drum

Burning brighter than the sun

A million voices

Now as the world is listening

From cities and satellites

We believe

We believe

In a dream

If you ever feel love is fading

Together like the stars in the sky

We can sing

We can shine


When you hear our voices call

You won't be lonely anymore

A million voices

Your heart is like a beating drum

Burning brighter than the sun


When I look around at these faces

I can see the stars in the sky

We will sing

We will shine

Singing out

Singing out


Singing out

Singing out


Singing out

A million voices

Автор: Анна Прищепова
Фото: Пресс-служба